A lição de Salazar:
... restauração financeira
Raquel Roque Gameiro
Salazar's lesson:
financial restoration
Raquel Roque Gameiro
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
No 10º aniversário da entrada de Salazar para o Ministério das Finanças, foram elaborados sete quadros alusivos à sua acção.
Durante anos estes quadros serviram de propaganda das virtudes do Estado Novo nas escolas portuguesas.
As Salazar hit his 10th anniversary as Finance Minister, seven paintings were made illustrating his initiatives.
Under his government, these paintings served as propaganda of the virtues of the Estado Novo regime in the Portuguese schools. |
Oliveira Salazar definiu como proridade o equilíbrio financeiro e orçamental que tinha sido fortemente afectado no final do regime republicano.
Alcançado o equilíbrio financeiro logo na gerência de 1928/29, sucedem-se as reformas na área das finanças públicas, onde se inclui a restauração do Tribunal de Contas.
Oliveira Salazar set out the financial and budgetary balance as a priority, which had been strongly affected in the end of the republican regime.
As the financial balance was achieved in the 1928/29 financial year, the reforms in the public finances came next, including the restoration of the Tribunal de Contas. |