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09 MAY (wednesday)






Arrival of delegations



Departure from Hotel Tivoli Lisboa to Praça do Comércio


Welcome reception and visit to the Exhibition “Accounts with History



Return to Hotel Tivoli Lisboa



10 MAY (thursday)





Departure from Hotel Tivoli Lisboa to Praça do Comércio


Opening session
Presided by the President of the Portuguese Assembleia da República, JAIME JOSÉ MATOS DA GAMA


Speeches by:


§  Guilherme d´Oliveira Martins, President of the SAI of Portugal

§  Dieter Engels, President of EUROSAI

§  Rafael hernan contreras, President of OLACEFS

Closing by  the President of THE Portuguese ASSEMBLEIA DA REPÚBLICA


1st Working session 

Presentation of accounts and accountability in the context of the fiscal sustainability


§  Chairman:   geraRdo palacios, Auditor General of the SAI of Argentina

§  Speakers:    –  TULLIO LAZZARO, President of the SAI of  Italy

                         –  NOEMI ROJAS LLANOS., Vice President of the SAI of  Chile

                         –  Kurt Grüter, President of the SAI of  Switzerland

                         –  andrès terrero, President of the SAI of  Domenican Republic

§ Reporter:  Igor Soltes, President of the SAI of  Slovenia

Technical support: Tribunal de Contas of Portugal





Coffee break


Group photo




Lunch hosted by Tribunal de Contas of Portugal




2nd Working session

The SAIs contribution to the fiscal sustainability of social sectors


§    Chairman:  Philippe Séguin, President of the SAI of  France

§    Speakers:    –  Alexander Semikolennykh, Vice President of the SAI of  Russian Federation

                          –  pablo herrera suárez Vice President of the SAI of of Bolivia

                          –  TUOMAS PÖYSTI, President of the SAI of Finland 

                          –  carlos pólit faggioni, President of the SAI of  Ecuador


§    Reporter:  julio quintero, President of the SAI of  Colombia

Technical Support: Tribunal de Contas of Portugal





Coffee break


Brief report by INTOSAI Journal Representative, Elisabeth Singer


Return to Hotel Tivoli Lisboa



11 MAY (friday)





Departure from Lisboa Tivoli Hotel to Praça do Comércio


3rd Working session

 The fiscal sustainability in the modern State - Perspectives


§  Chairman:  walton alencar rodrigues, President of the SAI of  Brazil

§  Lecturer:  Vitor Constâncio, Governor of the Bank of Portugal

§  Presentation by  Sir John Bourn, President of the SAI of  United Kingdom

§  Reporter:  Mihkel Oviir, President of the SAI of  Estonia

Technical support: Tribunal de Contas of Portugal





Coffee break


Free Lunch



4th Working session

 Conclusions and Recommendations


§   Chairman:  Arpad Kovacs, President of the SAI of  Hungary

§   Speakers:     –  Mihkel Oviir, President of the SAI of  Estonia

       –  JULIO QUINTERO, President of the SAI of  Colombia

    –  IGOR SOLTES, President of the SAI of  Slovenia

Technical support: Tribunal de Contas of Portugal



Closing session


Speaches by:

§   ARPAD KOVACS, President of INTOSAI

§   UBALDO NIETO DE ALBA, General Secretary of EUROSAI

§    Carlos vallarino, Executive Secretary of OLACEFS

§   Guilherme d´Oliveira Martins, President of the SAI of  Portugal



Return to Hotel Tivoli Lisboa


Departure from Hotel Tivoli Lisboa


Closing dinner hosted by Tribunal de Contas of Portugal


Return to Hotel Tivoli Lisboa



12 MAY (saturday)





Departure from Hotel Tivoli Lisboa  to Évora


Visit to Évora


Lunch in Évora


Return to Lisboa

  * Joint programme for delegates and accompanying persons